The Friday Five: Marketing to Manufacturers

Posted by Lora Carpenter on Apr 3, 2020 9:32:00 AM
Lora Carpenter

Friday Five V2-1With the rise of the internet (and with that, online shopping) companies and manufacturers have access to a wider range of potential customers than ever before. What was once only selling to people in your state or region has become an ability to reach worldwide potential!

Getting the word out about your product or your company’s services, however, isn’t necessarily the same as advertising from a store, restaurant, or any other industry. You’ll need strategies and ideas tailored to your large-scale manufacturing business. We at Bull Moose Marketing have compiled a list of what we think are five fantastic articles to help with just that:
  1. The Ultimate Guide to Marketing for Manufacturers
  2. How to Market a Manufacturing Company
  3. The Best Digital Marketing Tactics for Manufacturers
  4. Examples of Successful Manufacturing Marketing Strategies
  5. 10 Marketing Ideas for Manufacturing Companies

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing for Manufacturers - Thomasnet

This article gives simple, clear-cut steps to help bolster your marketing strategy. From creating Audience Personas, to identifying the Industrial Buying Cycle, to suggesting software to help organize your projects (including some we even use ourselves!) 

How to Market a Manufacturing Company - Top Line Results

Top Line uses this article to encourage businesses to engage in self-reflection. It asks questions such as “what is different about your business and why should a customer choose you?” and “who are you trying to reach with your marketing?”  Marketing agents need to pause and examine their approach before they have to start back at square one. 

The Best Digital Marketing Tactics for Manufacturers - Web Strategies Inc

Here you’ll find instructions and examples on specific kinds of marketing campaigns such as email, GoogleAds, and even how to better appear in organic Google search results. While the first two of our suggested resources ask you questions about your marketing and a base on which to base your marketing campaigns, Web Strategies Inc. begins to explain the tools needed to carry that strategy out.

Examples of Successful Manufacturing Marketing Strategies - Web Strategies Inc

Every marketing campaign is going to be different - even within the same company. Web Strategies Inc. has a varied list of strategies for different manufacturers and verticals.

10 Marketing Ideas for Manufacturing Companies - The Manufacturer

Finally, what better place to conclude a Friday Five for Manufacturing Marketing than with a blog named The Manufacturer? Their list contains marketing ideas none of the previously mentioned blogs have as well as a few familiar ones. These suggestions are perfect for both big corporations and small businesses! 


industrial account-based marketing strategy

Topics: Marketing Tactics, Measuring Marketing, Strategic Planning, Search Engine Optimization, Industrial Marketing, Brand Awareness, Marketing Operations, Manufacturing Industry

Posted by Lora Carpenter

Lora is a full-time mom and content marketing writer from Meadville, PA. Lora started writing content for Bull Moose in January of 2020. In her free time, she enjoys gardening, reading, and cooking as much Asian food as she can get her hands on. She lives in Meadville with her partner Stefan and their daughter, Ivy.