Marketing ROI: Return on Information

Posted by Ron Mattocks on Aug 15, 2017 9:47:19 AM

A while back I heard an interesting take on the true meaning of the Information Age. The premise of the speaker’s argument was that we shouldn’t think of it as the Information Age because there is so much information at our disposal, but instead it’s because we have the ability to pull from that sea of facts and figures only the information relevant to what we are looking for.

This idea is particularly applicable when it comes to Big Data, and for marketers there has been an explosion in the volume, variety, and velocity of data we can access. For companies, like Amazon, that can harness this information and act upon it, they have the upper hand while the rest are left floundering in it.

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Topics: Marketing Tactics, Measuring Marketing, Return on Investment, Marketing Technology, Strategic Planning, Marketing Budgets, Industrial Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Operations

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