Josh Sherretts

Josh Sherretts
Josh Sherretts is co-owner and VP of Business Development at Bull Moose Marketing. He has spent over a decade assisting museums, non-profit organizations, and others with fundraising, strategic planning, and marketing. His skill set includes managing capital campaigns, marketing strategies, and team building to achieve both fiscal and reputational growth. Josh is a regular speaker at conferences, presenting digital marketing strategies and technology tools in both the nonprofit and tourism sectors. He is an occasional contributor to NPR and has authored two books on local history. He spends his free time with his wife, Kim, and daughter, Rosemarie.
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Getting Started with Facebook for Your Business

Posted by Josh Sherretts on Apr 8, 2018 5:02:00 PM


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Topics: Marketing Tactics, Measuring Marketing, Marketing Technology, Small Businesses, Social Media Tactics, Brand Awareness

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