Josh Sherretts

Josh Sherretts
Josh Sherretts is co-owner and VP of Business Development at Bull Moose Marketing. He has spent over a decade assisting museums, non-profit organizations, and others with fundraising, strategic planning, and marketing. His skill set includes managing capital campaigns, marketing strategies, and team building to achieve both fiscal and reputational growth. Josh is a regular speaker at conferences, presenting digital marketing strategies and technology tools in both the nonprofit and tourism sectors. He is an occasional contributor to NPR and has authored two books on local history. He spends his free time with his wife, Kim, and daughter, Rosemarie.
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Recent Posts

How Marketing can Help with Your Hiring Needs

Posted by Josh Sherretts on Feb 5, 2020 9:00:00 AM

Finding, recruiting, and hiring employees, especially in the manufacturing sector, is more than just putting job vacancies on job boards and industry trade journals. These days, candidates are more choosy about where they want to work, and want to work for companies that seem interesting, are doing meaningful work, and have different professional opportunities.

One way you can show these different opportunities and benefits is through marketing, showing your company in a positive light, and demonstrating what makes your company and products and services better than other options. Because when you're marketing your company, you're not just marketing it to customers, you're trying to reach new employees as well. After all, marketing your company puts your brand message in front of everyone, including the people who think, "I'd like to work there."

Here are just four ways you can use marketing to help you with recruiting and hiring new employees.

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Topics: Case Studies, Marketing Tactics, Industrial Marketing, Marketing Operations, Marketing Content

How Can Manufacturers Use Social Media to Grow Their Business

Posted by Josh Sherretts on Jan 22, 2020 11:29:37 AM

How Can Manufacturers Use Social Media to Grow Their Business 

Social media is having a big impact on the manufacturing industry and helping manufacturers sell, develop, and recruit new associates. It has become a great way to share information and ideas, identify new opportunities, recruit new employees, and find collaborative partners around the world.  Social media is not just about sharing vacation and lunch photos, keeping up with friends, or watching funny cat videos. It has become one of the most effective communication and marketing channels since radio stations started airing advertisements. Here are a few statistics to keep in mind:

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Topics: Marketing Tactics, Social Media Tactics, Manufacturing Industry

How Rural Manufacturers Can Leverage Account-Based Marketing

Posted by Josh Sherretts on Jul 25, 2019 12:13:56 PM

This blog is the third in a series explaining the strategy of account-based marketing and how businesses who are a fit can benefit from this approach.

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Topics: Marketing Tactics, Measuring Marketing, Return on Investment, Sales Pipeline Growth, Sales Alignment, Strategic Planning, Marketing Budgets, Industrial Marketing, Lead Generation, Manufacturing Industry

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